Steps to take control of job interview
Interviews are the most important selection method used as part of candidate selection for any Job. They use the interview to assess the candidate’s personality, ethics, values, attitude, and aptitude. Good preparation is the single most recipe to be successful in any interview.
First of all, understanding how interviews are done will help you prepare for it well. Let us see the methods used by interviewers. Typically, any experienced interviewer will follow the below methods to interview.
- Open-ended questions – Open-ended questions are questions that will allow the other person to elaborate and give a longer answer. Typically all interviews are started with an open-ended question. Most common open-ended question asked first is mostly to introduce yourself. Of course, this could be asked in different forms or wordings. Therefore, preparing to make a good self-introduction will help you get started on a good note.
- Funneling – From your answer to your open-ended questions, interviewers will find some areas where they would want to drill your further. And they get deeper into those topics.
- Closed questions– After funneling, they tend to ask very specific questions to know if you know the subject in discussion or if you have really done that. These questions will have usually one word or sentence answers. These will be very pointed questions.
The above steps are repeated several times depending on how interested the interviewers become on the candidature of the interviewee.
How do we then take control of the interview?
Now that you know the first question, prepare your answer well in advance making sure that you cover areas that you know well and passionate about so that you introduce enough ‘baits’ for interviewers to bite on. Anticipate questions from the areas/topics that you have carefully planted in your self-introduction so that you can answer any question clearly and thoroughly. This will surely help you create a good impression.
Secondly, you can easily expect 5-6 standard most commonly asked questions. Prepare well answers to those questions. I would recommend that you write down the possible answers well in advance and rehearse well, prior to the interview. To know more on typically asked interview questions and how to answer them, keep visiting this website. I will share those soon.
Please do some research on the company, their focus areas, current market, financial performance, and the leadership team. Besides this, prepare to be ready 1-2 questions to ask them and their company and current area of focus or targeted market. Please remember these questions should be related to their business. Ask these questions only if you are offered an opportunity to ask questions. Also, study the latest trend in business and in your industry.
Of course, needless to say, you need to dress appropriately for the interview and don’t forget to wear a smile on your face. Please visit this site to get details on what to wear and what not to in the weeks to come.
Be sure to maintain good body language throughout the interview. Maintain good eye contact with all interviewers. Please do not look at only interviewer who asked you a question when you are answering. Please remember that he or she is asking that question on behalf of all of them. Also, maintain good body posture to show confidence. To know more about the body language tips, visit this site again.
Please remember to carry 2-3 copies of updated Resume with you for any interview. Also, carry with you all credentials and evidences justifying your skills, experiences, and achievements. Please visit this site again to learn to write a powerful Resume.
All the very best for your interview and subscribe to this site to get notified on all tips to face any interview successfully and have a successful career.
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